Monday, 1 July 2013

How to HACK ANY SKYPE ACCOUNT in 10 Minutes or Less!

If you ever wanted to see if someone could hack your skype, or pull a prank on a friend, this tutorial is for you. Keep in mind doing this without the account owner's permission is illegal. This hack is accomplished through simple

Step 1: Get Information

For this tutorial, you need to know the Skype username, e-mail address associated with it, the country the user is from, and 3 contacts the user has. If you don't know the e-mail, that's okay.

Step 2: Let's Get the Party Started

Head on over to the link below to go on Skype live chat. If you don't have the victim's email, use your own.

Step 3: Social Engineer

Say to the support rep that you forgot your Skype password and no longer have access to your email. They will say sorry, and ask you to answer four questions to verify your account.

Step 4: The Questions

They will ask you:
  • The country the account was registered in.
  • The year and month the victim made there account (sometimes they only ask for year), if you don't know, say sometime in 201
  • The email registered (Just say that you have forgotten it)
  • 3 Friends on there contact list (Just find them out it can be pretty easy)
Step 5: Answer

Answer the questions as best as possible, and don't act suspicious. After you answer, they'll ask you for a new email address for the account. Tell them your own email.

Step 6: Done

When you receive an email on your email saying they have linked your account. Then go to the password reset page and put in your email that you just told them to change it to, you will receive a password reset link and there you go. You have hacked the Skype account. Well done. Please give Kudos if this helped you.

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1 comment:

  1. A real solution! Thanks a lot!!! Visit more info:- Skype Help and Call +1-800-231-46Free).
